
Be sure to not miss out on new features and improvements! πŸš€

Coming soon

  • 🎯 High resolution snow tiles for custom areas of interest upon demand.

v1.4 - 13 Feb 2020

New Features

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] Snow Depth color legend available: developers have an image and a JSON definition so that their users can interpret the snow depth displayed on the map . Check the documentation to learn more about it.


  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] The Alpine Map is now colored to represent snow depth: the alpine map endpoint URL now returns a map layer that shows the snow depth in the Alps in different shades from light blue to bright purple.


  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] The Global Map looks have improved: the global tiled map endpoint URL now returns a map layer with smoother edges in areas where snow data is scarcer.

v1.3 - 19 Dec 2019

New Features

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] Global Snow Depth map available: we are really excited to release a daily, global-coverage snow depth map! Check the documentation to learn more about it.


  • πŸ—ΊοΈ the global tiled map endpoint URL now returns a map layer which shows the snow depth globally in different shades from light blue to bright purple.

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] Smooth snow-covered area edges: the global map has now a neater look & feel thanks to an improved data post-processing which softens the snowy area edges.

  • βš›οΈ [API] The Snow depth metric has now global coverage: for any point between latitudes 66.5Β° north and 66.5Β° south, the snow cover API endpoints are now able to include the actual snow depth at that point.


  • βš›οΈ [API] Snow cover over line API endpoint loads 20x faster: thanks to this speed improvement, you can compute snow metrics over any trail or path and get a response 20 times faster than before while getting the same precision level.

v1.2.3 - 22 Nov 2019


  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] Tiles load 41% faster: we have deployed a few fixes in our servers to be able to manage more map tile requests in parallel, so that we can serve maps 41% faster, in average, than before.

  • βš›οΈ [API] Snow depth resolution improved: for the Swiss Alps, you now get snow depth estimations that are closer to the real world's depth thanks to improved resolution in our models.

v1.2.2 - 15 Nov 2019

New Features

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ[Map] Google Maps support: you can now integrate the DeFROST Maps directly with Google Maps JavaScript API V3! Check the documentation and code examples to get started.

v1.2.1 - 11 Nov 2019

New Features

  • 🌐 [General] Public demo page available: you can now navigate the latest global snow cover map on our new demo page and leave your feedback!


  • πŸ—ΊοΈ [Map] Improved snow detection in extremely cloudy regions while keeping the best resolution available for the European Alps Map. This improvement will soon be deployed for the global map.


  • βš›οΈ [API] Snow depth endpoint fixed: After the global map inclusion in version 1.2, the snow depth endpoint started malfunctioning and reporting 0cm anywhere. This bug has been fixed in version 1.2.1. Thanks to our pilot users for reporting.

v1.2 - 1 Nov 2019

New Features

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ [Map] DeFROST Global Snow Cover Map at 375 meters resolution: new Map endpoint offering a fresh daily map on snow coverage between the 70Β°N and 70Β°S parallels.

  • βš›οΈ [API] DeFROST Global Snow Cover at 375 meters resolution: now allows for Snow cover at point and over-line queries anywhere between the 70Β°N and 70Β°S parallels.


  • ‼️ 🌐 [General] DeFROST domain migrates from .ch to .io : DeFROST is now served, in addition to the previous .ch domain, under a new .io domain. This includes both the website, documentation, API and Maps. The next major version, 2.0 scheduled for first half 2020, will deprecate and discontinue the .ch domain.


  • πŸ“˜ [Documentation] New DeFROST Maps section: this section presents and describes the characteristics of both maps operated by DeFROST, this is, the European Alps Map and the Global Map. In addition, it will help you out in setting up your snow cover map! Read more at Maps Overview.

v1.1.1 - 16 Oct 2019

New Features

  • βš›οΈ [API] The "Snow cover over a line" endpoint returns 2 new metrics: the minimum and maximum snow depth observed across the points that compose the line you are querying snow for are now returned by the Snow cover over line API endpoint.

v1.1 - 11 Oct 2019

New Features

  • βš›οΈ [API] New API Endpoint Snow cover over line: a new endpoint called Snow cover over line allows you passing a GeoJSON formatted LineString geometry to retrieve the snow cover status for each of the line's point. In addition, this endpoint will return the percentage of the terrain under such line that is covered under snow - by resampling the line to 20 meters.


  • βš›οΈ [API] Snow depth is now returned as part of Snow cover at point and over-line endpoints. A single, interpolated value is returned for each point. For now, we are able to provide snow depth values for locations in the Swiss Alps.

  • ‼️ βš›οΈ [API] Snow depth endpoint deprecated: The Snow depth at point endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in the next minor version 1.2. The snow depth metric is now returned at the Snow cover at point and Snow cover over line endpoints, please switch to using those instead.


  • ☁️ [Data] Snow cover detection during cloudy periods: the map will now use the best data available either at 20 or 500 meters resolution to map the snow cover during periods of consistent cloudy conditions over any region. This means that for areas under such conditions, resolution might start dropping down up to 500m while still managing to detect snow. Therefore the perceived "pixel size" on the snow cover map may appear to increase. Improved in version 1.2.1.

v1.0 - 25 Sept 2019

DeFROST 1.0 codename ALPINE20 first release! This is basically including, with coverage for all the European Alpine region (as per the area defined by the Alpine Convention):

  • βš›οΈ DeFROST API: an endpoint for querying snow cover at any point in the alps. Another endpoint for querying the snow depth for any point.

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ DeFROST Maps: a TMS standard web map tile server secured by JWT tokens providing DeFROST snow cover map compatible with any major web mapping library such as OpenLayers, Leaflet or Mapbox.

Last updated

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